.. _install: .. role:: bash(code) :language: bash .. role:: yaml(code) :language: yaml PyTerraBackTYL Installation =========================== Install PyTerraBackTYL: ----------------------- - SSH to the host you intend to run the PyTerraBackTYL service on. - e.g. :bash:`ssh user@linuxhost` - Check if :bash:`python3` is installed. - e.g. :bash:`whereis python3` - Install Python 3.x if needed - RedHat/CentOS (`detailed instructions`_): - Install yum utils: :bash:`yum install yum-utils` - Install libs/dependencies: :bash:`yum groupinstall development` - Install the Yum Repo with Python 3.x: :bash:`yum -y install https://centos7.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm` - Install Python 3.x: :bash:`yum -y install python36u python36u-pip` - Debian/Ubuntu: - Note: This currently installs Python 3.5, PyTerraBackTYL was developed in Python 3.6. - Update your local apt cache data: `apt-get update` - Install Python 3.x: :bash:`apt-get install python3 python3-pip` - Create the directories and service account for PyTerraBackTYL: - Create the non-privileged user that will run the PyTerraBackTYL service: :bash:`adduser tfbackendsvc` (this also creates a directory for the user in `/home` which you will need.) - Create the directory the PyTerrBackTYL service will run from: :bash:`mkdir /opt/pyterrabacktyl` - Create the directory the service will store Terraform states in: :bash:`mkdir /opt/pyterrabacktyl/data` - Set directory ownership: :bash:`chown -R tfbackendsvc /opt/pyterrabacktyl` - Install PyTerraBackTYL and dependencies: - Clone the PyTerraBackTYL repository: - :bash:`cd /opt/pyterrabacktyl` - :bash:`su tfbackendsvc` - :bash:`git clone https://github.com/dev-dull/PyTerraBackTyl.git` - Install the required Python Libraries: - _Note_: Depending on your OS and Python installation method, the :bash:`pip3` command may be something like, :bash:`pip3.6`. - _Note_: Omit the `--user` flag and run as root if you want these libraries to be accessible to all users on the system. - :bash:`pip3 install setuptools --user` requried to install Flask. - :bash:`pip3 install flask pyyaml jsonpath --user` .. _detailed instructions: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-python-3-and-set-up-a-local-programming-environment-on-centos-7 Configuring PyTerraBackTYL: --------------------------- The contents of the :bash:`config.yaml` configuration file will largely depend on which backend module you choose to to use with PyTerraBackTYL. Below are the configuration items for core PyTerraBackTYL service: Modify :bash:`config.yaml` and set the following items to the desired values. - :yaml:`BACKEND_SERVICE_IP: ''` - The IP the service should listen for requests on. If you are unsure what to use here, set `` - :yaml:`BACKEND_SERVICE_PORT: 2442` - The port number the service should listen on. - :yaml:`BACKEND_PLUGINS_PATH: 'backends'` - The directory where PyTerraBackTYL can find the Backend plugins. - The value shown here means the `backends` subdirectory where PyTerraBackTYL is installed. - :yaml:`BACKEND_CLASS: 'pyshelve_backend.PyShelveBackend'` - The file and class name of the PyTerraBackTYL plugin to use; Python will look in a file called `pyshelve_backend.py` for the class `PyShelveBackend` - :yaml:`POST_PROCESS_CLASSES: ['slack_notify_post_processor.SlackNotifyPostProcessor']` - A list where each item contains a file and class name of a PyTerraBackTYL nonpersistent plugin to use; Python will look in a file called `slack_notify_post_processor.py` for the class `SlackNotifyPostProcessor`. Set this to an empty list (i.e. `[]`) if you do not wish to use any post-processors. - :yaml:`LOG_LEVEL: 'INFO'` - The amount of information to log. Valid values are: INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR - If an invalid value is specified, PyTerraBackTYL will default to INFO. - :yaml:`USE_SSL: false` - Disabled by default, this specifies if the service should use SSL (HTTPS) or not (HTTP). - A Bash script can be found in the :bash:`ssl` subdirectory which will generate these keys. - :yaml:`SSL_PUBLIC_KEY: 'ssl/public.key'` - The path and filename where the SSL public key can be found. - The value shown here means the `ssl/` subdirectory where PyTerraBackTYL is installed. - :yaml:`SSL_PRIVATE_KEY: 'ssl/private.key'` - The path and filename where the SSL private key can be found. - The value shown here means the `ssl/` subdirectory where PyTerraBackTYL is installed. - :yaml:`HELPER_HOSTNAME_QUERY_MAP:` - Generally, this should not need to be changed. - Contains key:value pairs where the key is the name of a Terraform provider (an exact match for what is found in a Terraform state file) and the value is a JSONPath that will return the hostnames found in a Terraform state file for that provider type. - This configuration is used by the `TYLHelpers.get_hostnames_from_tfstate` function (`from abc_tylstore import TYLHelpers`) Full example configuration for the PyTerraBackTYL service --------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: yaml ## IP and ports to listen on. Defaults shown. BACKEND_SERVICE_IP: '' BACKEND_SERVICE_PORT: 2442 BACKEND_PLUGINS_PATH: 'backends' BACKEND_CLASS: 'pyshelve_backend.PyShelveBackend' POST_PROCESS_CLASSES: [] # Remember to remove "[]" before uncommenting the below line. # - 'slack_notify_post_processor.SlackNotifyPostProcessor' LOG_LEVEL: 'DEBUG' # INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR # openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private.key -out public.key -passout "pass:" USE_SSL: false # Disabled by default -- generate SSL key pair then set this to 'true' SSL_PUBLIC_KEY: 'ssl/public.key' # The path and filename of the public SSL key -- 'ssl/' is a subdirectory where PyTerraBackTYL is installed. SSL_PRIVATE_KEY: 'ssl/private.key' # The path and file name of the private SSL key. # Key:Value pairs where the key matches a Terraform provider, and key is a jsonPath to fetch hostnames from the terraform state HELPER_HOSTNAME_QUERY_MAP: digitalocean_droplet: 'modules[*].resources.*.primary.attributes.name' vsphere_virtual_machine: '$.modules[*].resources.[?(@.type == "vsphere_virtual_machine")].primary[?(@.memory != 0)].name'